Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fiscal Cliff

The fiscal cliff is approaching. And if a deal isn't made before January 1st, our economy will be doomed. There will be spending cuts all across the board in all different sectors of our economy - the defense sector, welfare, etc. This will devastate the economy, the most important possession that the US has.

What intrigues me is how important money is to the US. We care less about fighting in wars, or our troops dying, or anything else really. All that we care about is that we have enough money to sustain those wars, or invest in new technology or infrastrcuture that isn't necessarily essential to helping our country grow stronger.

What also interests me is the vast difference in ideologies between the Republicans and the Democrats in the fiscal cliff negotiations. The Republicans are most concerned with increasing taxes on the wealthy, whereas the Democrats are more concerned about programs like welfare. How does one nation produce such different ideologies when it comes to the economy? What is most important to America right now? Are those priorities correct? Feel free to comment below.

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